The Master Vocabulary Latin Root is: VERT-VERS which means TURN.
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Use the definition, root and part of speech clues to determine each of the key vocabulary words in the Latin root vocabulary word boxes. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in classrooms from the website:
Vocabulary Word List:
29 "everyday vocabulary words": VERT = adVERTisement, conVERT, diVERT, extroVERT, introVERT, inVERT, reVERT, subVERT, VERTebrate, VERTical: VERS = adVERSary, adVERSe, adVERSity, anniVERSary, aVERSe, controVERSy, conVERSation, diVERSe, diVERSify, diVERSified, inVERSe, reVERSe, traVERSe, uniVERSal, uniVERSe, uniVERSity, VERSion, VERSatility, VERSe, VERSus
14 high-powered, SAT/ACT-type words: VERT = ambiVERT, aVERT, inadVERTently, incontroVERTible, perVERT, VERTex, VERTigo: VERS = conVERSant, obVERSe, perVERSe, reVERSion, subVERSion, VERSification, VERS libre