• The Interactive Lesson Plan puzzle is 1 of 8 vocabulary activities and word puzzles.
  • Use the Greek and Latin word root word list to select the correct answer.
    Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • The AUDIO word story is available in all Root Words Lesson Plans #1 through #6.
  • Common Core alignment to a Interactive Puzzle is to 4 key phrases:
    "Grade Level", "Greek and Latin Roots", "Precise Meaning" and "Context".
    CCSS Alignment Strand numbers for Specific Grades:
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
    Greek & Latin Roots: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4b+c, 3.4b+c, 4.4b, 5.b, 6.4b, 7.4b, 8.4b, 9-10.4b, 11-12.4b
    Precise Meaning: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
    Context: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
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    1) Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #1

    The Master Vocabulary Latin Root is: VERT-VERS which means TURN.
    To solve the Latin root puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary word boxes. At the bottom of the Latin root puzzle, please click submit. When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word in a sentence and the percentage score for your correct answers.
    Use the definition, root and part of speech clues to determine each of the key vocabulary words in the Latin root vocabulary word boxes. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in the classroom from
    Vocabulary Word List:
    29 "everyday vocabulary words": VERT = adVERTisement, conVERT, diVERT, extroVERT, introVERT, inVERT, reVERT, subVERT, VERTebrate, VERTical: VERS = adVERSary, adVERSe, adVERSity, anniVERSary, aVERSe, controVERSy, conVERSation, diVERSe, diVERSified, inVERSe, reVERSe, traVERSe, uniVERSal, uniVERSe, uniVERSity, VERSion, VERSatility, VERSe, VERSus
    14 high-powered, SAT/ACT-type words: VERT = ambiVERT, aVERT, inadVERTently, incontroVERTible, perVERT, VERTex, VERTigo: VERS = conVERSant, obVERSe, perVERSe, reVERSion, subVERSion, VERSification, VERS libre

    Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #1

    1)  A return to a former habit, practice or belief; to come or go back (verb)

    2)  Upright; being perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; plumb (adjective)

    3)  A paid announcement in newspapers or magazines; a public notice or a broadcast (noun)

    4)  An animal that has a backbone (an internal skeleton of bone or cartilage) (noun)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    2) Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #2

    The Master Vocabulary Latin Root is: VERT-VERS which means TURN.
    To solve the Latin root puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary word boxes. At the bottom of the Latin root puzzle, please click submit. When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word in a sentence and the percentage score for your correct answers.
    Use the definition, root and part of speech clues to determine each of the key vocabulary words in the Latin root vocabulary word boxes. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in classrooms from
    Vocabulary Word List:
    29 "everyday vocabulary words": VERT = adVERTisement, conVERT, diVERT, extroVERT, introVERT, inVERT, reVERT, subVERT, VERTebrate, VERTical: VERS = adVERSary, adVERSe, adVERSity, anniVERSary, aVERSe, controVERSy, conVERSation, diVERSe, diVERSified, inVERSe, reVERSe, traVERSe, uniVERSal, uniVERSe, uniVERSity, VERSion, VERSatility, VERSe, VERSus
    14 high-powered, SAT/ACT-type words: VERT = ambiVERT, aVERT, inadVERTently, incontroVERTible, perVERT, VERTex, VERTigo: VERS = conVERSant, obVERSe, perVERSe, reVERSion, subVERSion, VERSification, VERS libre

    Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #2

    1)  To pass or move over, along or through (verb)

    2)  Applicable everywhere or in all cases; characteristic of all or the whole (adjective)

    3)  An opponent; person who fights determinedly, continuously and relentlessly (noun)

    4)  Oral communication between people; an informal interchange of thoughts or information (noun)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    3) Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #3

    The Master Vocabulary Latin Root is: VERT-VERS which means TURN.
    To solve the Latin root puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary word boxes. At the bottom of the Latin root puzzle, please click submit. When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word in a sentence and the percentage score for your correct answers.
    Use the definition, root and part of speech clues to determine each of the key vocabulary words in the Latin root vocabulary word boxes. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in classrooms from the website:
    Vocabulary Word List:
    29 "everyday vocabulary words": VERT = adVERTisement, conVERT, diVERT, extroVERT, introVERT, inVERT, reVERT, subVERT, VERTebrate, VERTical: VERS = adVERSary, adVERSe, adVERSity, anniVERSary, aVERSe, controVERSy, conVERSation, diVERSe, diVERSify, diVERSified, inVERSe, reVERSe, traVERSe, uniVERSal, uniVERSe, uniVERSity, VERSion, VERSatility, VERSe, VERSus
    14 high-powered, SAT/ACT-type words: VERT = ambiVERT, aVERT, inadVERTently, incontroVERTible, perVERT, VERTex, VERTigo: VERS = conVERSant, obVERSe, perVERSe, reVERSion, subVERSion, VERSification, VERS libre

    Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #3

    1)  An unusually prolonged public dispute concerning a matter of opinion; strife or argument (noun)

    2)  To give variety to; to make completely unlike; to expand by making different products (verb)

    3)  Capability of adapting or turning easily from one to another of various tasks; changeability (noun)

    4)  Yearly recurrence of the date of a past event; celebration of a date (noun)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    4) Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #4

    The Master Vocabulary Latin Root is: VERT-VERS which means TURN.
    To solve the master Latin root vocabulary puzzle put your answers INSIDE the vocabulary word boxes. At the bottom of the Latin root puzzle, please click submit. When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers, the use of the vocabulary word in a sentence and the percentage score for your correct answers.
    Use the definition, root and part of speech clues to determine each of the key vocabulary words in the Latin root vocabulary word boxes. You have permission to make a hard copy for further Latin root vocabulary study at home or in the classroom from
    Vocabulary Word List:
    29 "everyday vocabulary words": VERT = adVERTisement, conVERT, diVERT, extroVERT, introVERT, inVERT, reVERT, subVERT, VERTebrate, VERTical: VERS = adVERSary, adVERSe, adVERSity, anniVERSary, aVERSe, controVERSy, conVERSation, diVERSe, diVERSified, inVERSe, reVERSe, traVERSe, uniVERSal, uniVERSe, uniVERSity, VERSion, VERSatility, VERSe, VERSus
    14 high-powered, SAT/ACT-type words: VERT = ambiVERT, aVERT, inadVERTently, incontroVERTible, perVERT, VERTex, VERTigo: VERS = conVERSant, obVERSe, perVERSe, reVERSion, subVERSion, VERSification, VERS libre

    Root-A-Week: VERT-VERS #4

    1)  Dizzying sensation; disordered condition where surroundings whirl about (noun)

    2)  An outgoing person; someone concerned with the social environment, not one's self (noun)

    3)  Unintentional lack of care; accidentally; heedlessly; inattentively (adverb)

    4)  To turn inside out or upside down; to reverse in position, direction or relationship (verb)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    5) Word Roots 7 SPECT, STA, VERT Beginner Puzzle 3-

    The Master Root is: VERT-VERS which means turn.
    To solve the puzzle, use the clues given to determine the key words in the word boxes. Put your answers INSIDE the word boxes, move down to the next puzzle and, at the bottom of the last puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers and the use of each word in a sentence.
  • Definition Word 1: VERS--turn--Keyword is 12 letter noun--Informal spoken interchange of thoughts or information; oral communication between people
  • Definition Word 2: VERT--turn--Keyword is 8 letter adjective--Being perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright
  • Definition Word 3: VERT--turn--Keyword is 13 letter noun--A paid announcement; a public notice esp. in print in newspapers or magazines
  • Definition Word 4: VERT--turn--Keyword is 6 letter verb--To turn to a former habit, practice or belief; to go back in thought
  • Vocabulary Word List:
  • Level 1: advertisement, circumstance, constant, conversation, distant, inspection, prospect, revert, spectacle, standard, suspect, vertical
  • Level 2: anniversary, conspicuous, disrespect, diversify, establish, speculate, stamina, statistics, superstitious, suspicion, universal, versatility
  • Level 3: auspicious, aversion, circumspect, constituents, despicable, destitute, ecstasy, extrovert, obstinate, perverse, specious, vertigo
  • Word Roots 7 SPECT, STA, VERT Beginner Puzzle 3-

    1)  Informal spoken interchange of thoughts or information; oral communication between people (noun)

    2)  Being perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright (adjective)

    3)  A paid announcement; a public notice esp. in print in newspapers or magazines (noun)

    4)  To turn to a former habit, practice or belief; to go back in thought (verb)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    6) Word Roots 7: SPECT, STA, VERT Intermediate Puzzle 2 -

    The Master Root is: VERT-VERS which means turn.
    To solve the puzzle, use the clues given to determine the key words in the word boxes. Put your answers INSIDE the word boxes, move down to the next puzzle and, at the bottom of the last puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers and the use of each word in a sentence.
  • Definition Word 1: VERS--turn--Keyword is 11 letter noun--Yearly recurrence of the date of past events; celebration of a date
  • Definition Word 2: VERS--turn--Keyword is 9 letter Applicable everywhere or in all cases; characteristic of a whole without limit or exception (adjective)
  • Definition Word 3: VERS--turn--Keyword is 11 letter noun--Capability of adapting or turning easily from one to another of various tasks; changeability
  • Definition Word 4: VERS--turn--Keyword is 9 letter verb--To make unlike as in form or character; to give or produce variety
  • Vocabulary Word List:
  • Level 1: advertisement, circumstance, constant, conversation, distant, inspection, prospect, revert, spectacle, standard, suspect, vertical
  • Level 2: anniversary, conspicuous, disrespect, diversify, establish, speculate, stamina, statistics, superstitious, suspicion, universal, versatility
  • Level 3: auspicious, aversion, circumspect, constituents, despicable, destitute, ecstasy, extrovert, obstinate, perverse, specious, vertigo
  • Word Roots 7: SPECT, STA, VERT Intermediate Puzzle 2 -

    1)  Yearly recurrence of the date of past events; celebration of a date (noun)

    2)  Applicable everywhere or in all cases; characteristic of a whole without limit or exception (adjective)

    3)  Capability of adapting or turning easily from one to another of various tasks; changeability (noun)

    4)  To make unlike as in form or character; to give or produce variety (verb)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers

    7) Word Roots 7: SPECT, STA, VERT Advanced Puzzle 2 -

    The Master Root is: VERT-VERS which means turn.
    To solve the puzzle, use the clues given to determine the key words in the word boxes. Put your answers INSIDE the word boxes, move down to the next puzzle and, at the bottom of the last puzzle, click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers and the use of each word in a sentence.
  • Definition Word 1: VERT--turn--Keyword is 7 letter noun--Sensation of dizziness and the feeling that one's surroundings are turning
  • Definition Word 2: VERS--turn--Keyword is 8 letter noun--A strong feeling of dislike, repugnance or antipathy toward something and a desire to avoid it
  • Definition Word 3: VERS--turn--Keyword is 8 letter addjective--Determined not to do what is expected or desired; contrary
  • Definition Word 4: VERT--turn--Keyword is 9 letter noun--Individual interested in the matters wholly or predominately toward what is outside the self
  • Vocabulary Word List:
  • Level 1: advertisement, circumstance, constant, conversation, distant, inspection, prospect, revert, spectacle, standard, suspect, vertical
  • Level 2: anniversary, conspicuous, disrespect, diversify, establish, speculate, stamina, statistics, superstitious, suspicion, universal, versatility
  • Level 3: auspicious, aversion, circumspect, constituents, despicable, destitute, ecstasy, extrovert, obstinate, perverse, specious, vertigo
  • Word Roots 7: SPECT, STA, VERT Advanced Puzzle 2 -

    1)  Sensation of dizziness and the feeling that one's surroundings are turning (noun)

    2)  A strong feeling of dislike, repugnance or antipathy toward something & a desire to avoid it (noun)

    3)  Determined not to do what is expected or desired; contrary (adjective)

    4)  An individual interested in matters wholly or predominately toward what is outside the self (noun)

    Click the SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the page for answers