This lesson plan features the Latin roots GEN = birth, race, kind of; PUL-PEL = drive, pull; SPIR = breathe
To solve the puzzle, use the definition clues given in the word boxes to determine the key words. Put your answers INSIDE the 12 word boxes. Click " SUBMIT" to get all the correct answers, the use of each word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
Vocabulary Word List:
Latin roots GEN = birth, race, kind of; PUL-PEL = drive, pull; SPIR = breathe.
Beginner words: compelling, dispel, engineer, general, genie, gentle, inspiration, perspire, propulsion, pulse, respirator, spiritless
Intermediate words: compulsory, conspiracy, expire, genetics, genocide, impulsive, ingenuity, pulsate, regeneration, repulsive, respiration, spirituality
Advanced words: aspiration, compulsive, esprit, expulsion, genealogy, genesis, homogeneous, impelled, progeny, repellent, sprightly, transpired