In the first vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root SED, SID = sit, be still
In the second vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root FIN = end
In the third vocabulary word puzzle use the Latin word root FER = bear, carry, yield, bring
Move down to the button of the third word puzzle and click "SUBMIT" to get correct answers, the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence, a comment and your score.
Vocabulary Word List:
Latin roots FIN = end; SED, SID, SESS = sit, be still; FER = bear, carry, yield, bring
Beginner: conference, definition, finance, indifferently, possess, presidency, referee, refine, resident, subside, transfer, unfinished
Intermediate: circumference, confinement, fertilize, finality, inference, infinite, obsession, refer, refinery, residential, sedate, supersede
Advanced: affinity, assiduous, conferred, deferential, definitive, dissident, finesse, infinitesimal, insidious, insufferable, sedentary, vociferous