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Social Studies Vocabulary Word List (207)

A)Accommodation, Activism, Advances, Affect, Agriculture, Altruism, Ammunition, Amnesty, Apathy, Arrest, Artisans, Asia, Assassination, Assimilation, Atomic bomb
B)Barrage, Battle, Bilingualism, Boycott, Brinkmanship, British
C)Calligraphy, Campaign, Cars, Cartographer, Caste, Children, Citizenship, Civics, Class, Colony, Communism, Competition, Confederacy, Conflict, Conquistador, Conservative, Continent, Contributions, Corporation, Corruption, Crusades, Culture, Currencies
D)Days, Democracy, Depression, Descendants, Despair, Detente, Devastation, Development, Dictator, Discord, Discoveries, Disease, Diversity, Division, Domain, Drastic, Dynasty
E)Economy, Education, Effect, Emigrate, Empire, Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Epidemics, Epoch, Era, Establishment, Europe, Events, Expansion, Expedition
F)Farming, Fascism, Forefather, Freedom, Furor
G)Generations, Geography, Germans, Gold, Government, Guide
H)Hardship, Hijack, History, Holocaust, Honesty, Hope, Horror, Horseback
I)Illness, Immersion, Immunity, Impact, Impeachment, Imperialism, Indentures, Industrialization, Infamy, Infidels, Influence, Insurrection, Integration, Internationalism, Internment, Invasion, Invention
L)Learning, Liberty, Literature, Locust
M)Manufacturing, Marches, Massacre, Mathematics, Medicine, Men, Mercantilism, Minorities, Monasteries, Mongols, Monsoon, Morale, Mores, Mountainous
N)Nations, Navigation, Nazi, Necessary, Nuclear power, Nullification
P)Patriotism, People, Persecution, Philanthropy, Pilgrims, Pioneers, Pirates, Plague, Politics, Pollution, Pony express, Populace, Prairie, Prehistoric, Privateer, Production, Prohibition, Pueblo
R)Reasons, Religion, Renaissance, Rights, Riots, Royalty, Russia
S)Sacrifices, Sanitation, Scholarship, Seaworthy, Shipwrecks, Sickness, Siege, Slavery, Socialism, Spanish, Strength, Strikes, Subjugate, Succession, Suffering, Survivors, Systems
T)Terrain, Territory, Terrorism, Tide, Topple, Torrent, Transportation, Trial, Troops, Turmoil
V)Vehicles, Vigilance, Violence, Voting, Voyage
W)Warfare, Waste, Weakness, Weapons, Weather, Women, Workers, Writing
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