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Rugby Vocabulary Word List (155)

A)Accident, Admiration, Advantage, Analyst, Arena, Athlete, Athletic, Attacking, Australia, Award
B)Ball, Ball carrier, Blowout, Booting, Brutal, Brute
C)Career, Champion, Championship, Cheer, Coach, Compete, Competition, Conditioning, Confrontation, Contender, Contest, Coveted, Crowd
D)Deep, Defense, Depth, Direction, Directive, Dome-field, Dominate, Down field
E)Elite, Esprit, Event, Excessive
F)Facility, Factors, Fall, Fans, Fast, Fear, Field, Final, Flight, Furtive
G)Game, Goal, Goal-kicker, Grass
H)Half, Handicap, Hurt
I)In play, Instinctive, International, International Rugby Board
K)Kick, Knocked, Knockout stage, Know-how
L)Laws, Line up, Losing, Loss, Low-risk
M)Major, Match, Media, Movement
N)National, New Zealand
O)Odds, Offensive, Official, Officiate
P)Passes, Passion, Play maker, Player, Plodding, Pool, Position, Prediction, Professional, Public, Pulverize
Q)Quality, Quantity, Quick
R)Race, Rating, Record, Recovery, Referee, Release, Relish, Rival, Rivalry, Round, Rugby, Rugby World Cup, Rules, Run
S)Safety, Scoring, Semi-final, Shouting, Side, Spectacle, Spectacular, Spectators, Speed, Spirit, Sport, Sportsmanship, Sprawl, Stadium, Stanchion, Star, Steal, Strategic, Strength, Style, Survival, Sweat
T)Tackle, Team, Territory, Therapy, Time, Title, Top-class, Tournament, Traditional, Training, Tries, Tumble, Turf, Turnover
U)Unconscious, Undergo, Unreal, Unsportsmanlike
W)Winning, Witness
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