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Election Vocabulary Word List (389)

A)Absentee, Acclaim, Accountability, Activist, ADVERSE, Advertising, Affiliation, Aggressive, Amendment, Announcement, Anointed, Appeal, Appearance, Appoint, Apprehension, Approach, Appropriation, Arguments, Articulate, Aspiration, Aspiration, Assemble, Asset, Assimilation, At large, Audience, Authority, Authorization
B)Balanced budget, Ballot, Ballot box, Bandwagon, Barnstorming, Behavior, Biannual, Bias, Bicameral, Bill, Bipartisan, Boondoggle, Brochure, Budget, BUNK, Bureaucrat
C)Cabinet, Campaign, CANDIDATE, CANVASS, Capitalize, Careful, Catalyst, Caucus, Cautious, Ceiling, Centrist, Challenge, Challenger, CHARISMA, Checks and balances, Cheers, Civic, Clapping, Coalition, Coast-to-coast, Coattail, Collaboration, Collective, Commitments, Committee, Commonality, Communication, Compassion, Concede, Concessions, Confidence, Congress, Congressional, Conscience, Consequence, Conservative, Constituent, Constitution, Contribution, CONTROVERSY, Convene, Convention, Council
D)Dark horse, Debate, Decision, Decisive, DECLARE, Defeat, Deficit, Delegate, Deliberate, Deliberation, Democracy, Democrat, Democratic, Demonstrator, Derision, Destiny, Diligent, Disheartened, Dishonesty, Dissatisfaction, District, Diverse, Division, Dogma, Dominate, Donation, Donor, Dossier, Dynamic
E)Editorials, Effective, Efficient, Elation, Election, Electoral college, Elevate, ELOQUENT, Emphasis, Empowerment, Enact, Endorsement, Equal, Ethics, Euphoria, Executive, Exit poll, Experience
F)Faction, Federal, Feud, Filibuster, Flag, Flaws, Focus, Forum, Fraud, Freedom, Front runner, Funding, Fundraiser
G)Gains, Gambit, Gerrymander, Glaring, GOP, Government, GRACIOUS, Grass roots, Grateful
H)Handshakes, Hard money, Historic, Honesty, Hooray, Hypocrisy
I)Ignite, Impound, Inalienable, Incentive, Incorporate, Incumbency, Incumbent, Independent, Independent, Indulge, Infallible, Influx, Initiative, Inspiring, Integrity, Interests, Invest, Investigate, Irresponsible, Issues
J)Jeer, Jitters, JUBILANT, Judge, Judicial
K)Keen, Knowledge
L)Lame duck, Landslide, Last minute, Leader, Leadership, Leanings, Left, Legalization, Legislative, Legislature, Liberal, Lobbyist, Lone, Loser, Loss, Loyalty
M)Machine, Magistrate, Majority, Mandate, Measures, Meetings, Mentor, Midterm election, Minority, Motives, Mudslinging
N)National, Nationwide, Negativity, Newspapers, Nominate, Nominee, Nonpartisan, Numbers
O)Obligation, Obsequious, Office, Official, Opine, Opinion, Opportunity, Opposition, Orator, Oratory, Outspoken, Ovation
P)PAC (Political Action Committee), Pamphlets, Pardon, Participation, Partisanship, Party, Petition, Picket, Platform, Pledge, Plurality, Polarize, Policy, Politician, Politics, Poll, Polling place, Pollster, Popular, Popularity, Pork barrel, Position paper, Pragmatist, Praise, Precinct, Preparation, Prescient, Pride, Primary, Priority, Proactive, Progressive, Projection, Promises, Propaganda, Proponent, Proposal, Punished, Purpose
Q)Query, Quest, Quorum, Quotes
R)Race, Ratify, Re-election, Reapportionment, Recall, Reception, Recognition, Reconciliation, Recount, Recover, Recrimination, Redistrict, Representation, Republican, Rescind, Research, Resignation, Resilience, Restrictions, Retort, Revelations, Revenues, Rhetoric, Right, Roll call, Runoff
S)Scope, Senate, Senator, Seniority, Shift, Shortcoming, Shuffle, Sidelines, Sinecure, Slate, Slogan, Solicitation, Solution, Spar, Spectacle, Speculate, Speech, Spending, Spin, Stakes, Stance, State�s rights, Statute, Straightforward, Strategist, STRATEGY, Straw poll, Studies, Stumble, Stump, Subcommittee, Success, Suffrage, Support, Sway, System
T)Tactics, Talk, Tally, Taxpayer, Term, Term limit, Ticket, Town hall meetings, Turnout
U)Ultimate, Unanimous, Uncommitted, Undecided, Unfair, Uniformity, Unity, Unknown, Unopposed, Unprecedented, Unsure, Upset
V)Vacancy, VETO, Viable, Victory, Vie, Viewpoint, Violations, VIP, Volunteers, Voters, Vulnerability
W)Ward, Whistle-stop, Wild-card, Wing voters, Winner, Withdraw, Withhold, Woo
Y)Yell, Yield, Youth
Z)Zeal, Zealous, Zone
Election parts of speech:
A: absentee, accountability, activist, advertising, affiliation, amendment, announcement, appeal, appearance, apprehension, approach, appropriation, arguments, aspiration, asset, assimilation, at large, audience, authority, authorization,
B: balanced budget, ballot, ballot box, bandwagon, barnstorming, behavior, biannual, bias, bicameral, bill, bipartisan, boondoggle, brochure, budget, bunk, bureaucrat,
C: campaign, candidate, canvass, catalyst, caucus, ceiling, centrist, challenge, challenger, charisma, checks and balances, cheers, clapping, coalition, coast-to-coast, coattail, collaboration, collective, commitments, committee, commonality, communication, compassion, concessions, confidence, congress, conscience, consequence, constituent, constitution, contribution, controversy, convention, council,
D: dark horse, debate, decision, deficit, delegate, deliberation, democrat, democracy, demonstrator, derision, destiny, dishonesty, dissatisfaction, district, division, dogma, donation, donor, dossier,
E: editorials, elation, electoral college, emphasis, empowerment, endorsement, ethics, euphoria, executive, exit poll, experience,
F: faction, feud, filibuster, flag, flaws, focus, forum, fraud, freedom, front runner, funding, fundraiser,
G-H: gains, gambit, gerrymander, GOP, government, grass roots, handshakes, hard money, honesty, hooray!, hypocrisy,
I-J-K: incentive, incumbency, incumbent, influx, initiative, integrity, interests, issues, jitters, judge, knowledge,
L: lame duck, landslide, last minute, leadership, leanings, legalization, legislature, lobbyist, loser, loss, loyalty,
M: machine, magistrate, majority, measures, meetings, mentor, midterm election, minority, motives, mudslinging,
N: nationwide, negativity, newspapers, nominee, nonpartisan, numbers,
O: obligation, obsequious, opinion, opportunity, opposition, orator, oratory, outspoken, ovation,
P: PAC, pamphlets, participation, partisanship, party, petition, platform, plurality, policy, politician, politics, poll, polling place, pollster, popularity, pork barrel, position paper, pragmatist, praise, precinct, preparation, pride, primary, priority, projection, promises, propaganda, proponent, proposal, purpose,
Q: query, quest, quorum, quotes,
R: race, re-election, reapportionment, reception, recognition, reconciliation, recrimination, referendum, registration, representation, republican, resignation, resilience, restrictions, revelations, revenues, rhetoric, roll call, runoff,
S: scope, senate, seniority, shortcoming, sidelines, sinecure, slate, slogan, solicitation, solution, spectacle, speech, spending, spin, stakes, stance, state's right, statute, strategist, strategy, straw poll, studies, subcommittee, success. suffrage, support, system,
T: tactics, talk, taxpayer, term, term limit, ticket, town hall meetings, turnout,
U-V: uniformity, unity, vacancy, veto, victory, view point, violations, VIP, volunteers, voter, vulnerability,
W-X-Y-Z: ward, whistle-stop, wild-card, wing voters, winner, xenophobia, youth, zeal, zone,

A-Z acclaim, appoint, articulate, assemble, capitalize, concede, convene, declare, defeat, dominate, elevate, enact, equal, incorporate, indulge, infallible, invest, investigation, jeer, nominate, opine, pardon, picket, pledge, polarize, poll, ratify, recall, recount, recover, redistrict, reform, regulate, rescind, research, retort, shift, shuffle, spar, speculate, stumble, stump, sway, tally, vie, withdraw, withhold, woo, yell, yield,

adverse, aggressive, anointed, careful, cautious, civics, congressional, conservative, decisive, deliberate, democratic, diligent, disheartened, diverse, dynamic, effective, efficient, eloquent, glaring, gracious, grateful, ignite, impound, historic, inalienable, independent, inspiring, irresponsible, jubilant, judicial, keen, left, liberal, lone, national, official, popular, prescient, proactive, progressive, punished, right, straightforward, ultimate, unanimous, uncommitted, undecided, unfair, unknown, unopposed, unprecedented, unsure, upset, ward, withdraw, woo, viable, zealous,
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Note: Words in CAPITAL letters refer to election vocabulary in themed content on the home page.
Vocabulary University features election Comic Strips: The Vocons.
They emphasize electoral and voting process vocabulary. They create a mental image and visual word association through an election story. This election vocabulary is FREE.

Place & Time: Your Town, USA
Setting: Election Campaign headquarters of the candidates, Herb and Sam


The Candidate Samstory highlights election words. These 12 Election comic strips tell a story about an election campaign in sequential order. They also include an election jargon word list in context.

The Election word list at is written in capital letters, drawn as a comic in Candidate Sam. 48 Election cliches and quotes from the election-process category:
Throw your hat into the ring
Politics makes strange bed fellows
Hell bent for election
Vote with your feet
Those who can fairly carry an election can also suppress a rebellion
Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets
Put my foot in my mouth
Jumping on the bandwagon
If you can not take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
You can not judge a book by its cover
It is not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game
Throw in the towel
Skeletons in the closet
Caught between a rock and a hard place
Straight as an arrow
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Love it or leave it
Another face in the crowd
Give an inch, take a mile
Do not make a mountain out of a molehill
The old gray mare just is not what she used to be
Hindsight is 20-20
If wishes were horses then beggars would ride
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
If at first you do not succeed, try and try again
The buck stops here
Opportunity only knocks once
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride
The squeaky wheel gets the grease
Do not count your chickens before they hatch
The end justifies the means
Where do you hang your hat?
Do not put the horse before the cart
The lesser of two evils
It takes all kinds
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me
Where there is smoke, there is fire
Give him/her enough rope to hang him/herself
That is like closing the barn door after the horse escapes
You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
You can not judge a book by its cover
There are only two certain things in life: death and taxes
Let us run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
Do not put all your eggs in one basket
It is not over until it is over
Cheat/fool me once, shame on you. Cheat/fool me twice, shame on me!
He who hesitates is lost
Whistle stop offers more than 685 word lists. Please go to the home page for Election worksheets, election word games, word puzzles and themed content with Latin roots that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online. There are no ads and no fees.