Easter (Religion) Vocabulary Word List (249)
A) | Acclaim, Alleluia!, Altar, Angel, Array, Ash Wednesday, Awareness, Awe |
B) | Baptism, Basic, Beginning, Belief, Believe, Bible, Blessings, Bonnet, Bouquets |
C) | Candles, Capture, Cathedral, Catholic, Celebration, Chapel, Children, Chocolate, Choir, Christ, Christian, Church, Collection, Coloring, Communion, Community, Confection, Congregation, Conversion, Covenant, Cross, Crucifixion, Culture, Custom |
D) | Death, Decorate, Decoration, Decorative, Demonstrate, Devote, Dine, Discovery, Display, Ducks, Dye, Dying |
E) | Easter, Easter Service, Ecumenical, Eggs, Enactment, Encouragement, Entertain, Eucharist, Everlasting, Excitement, Expression |
F) | Facility, Faith, Family, Feature, Festival, Festive, Finery, Flowers, Focus, Forgiveness, Fortune, Freedom, Frenzy, Frequent, Friendships, Frills, Fun, Function, Fundamental |
G) | Gastronomic, Gathering, Gifts, Glorious, God, Good Friday, Gospels, Grass, Gratitude, Grave, Guest, Guide, Guilt |
H) | Hallowed, Hereafter, Holy, Home, Hope, Hot cross buns, Hunt |
I) | Impact, Indulge, Industrious, Influence, Inspiration, Interaction, Irresistible |
J) | Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Joy, Joyful, Jubilant, Jubilation |
K) | Keen, Kingdom, Kisses (xxx), Kneel |
L) | Lamb, Launch, Lavish, Lent, Life, Light, Lilies, Liturgy, Lord, Luxurious |
M) | Manifestation, Mass, Maundy Thursday, Meaning, Meaningful, Meditation, Memories, Merciful, Message, Ministry, Miracle, Mission, Music |
N) | Narthex, New, New Testament, Nicene Creed, Noticeable, Numerous |
O) | Observance, Official, Outreach, Ovation |
P) | Palm Sunday, Paper, Parishioner, Passion, Passover, Pastel, Pastries, Performance, Posies, Power, Prayer, Preach, Priority, Privilege, Prize, Program, Promote, Protect, Protestant, Psalm Sunday, Purple |
R) | Re-birth, Readings, Reflection, Religion, Renew, Renewal, Reorientation, Reservation, Resurrection, Revered, Reverence, Rise, Rites, Ritual |
S) | Sacrifice, Sacristy, Salvation, Sanctity, Save, Schedule, Scripture, Season, Self, Servant, Services, Sharing, Shrove Tuesday, Sin, Sinner, Snuggle, Solace, Song, Special, Spiritual, Spring, Stewardship, Stole, Sunrise service, Support, Sweet, Symbol |
T) | Tempting, Tenebrae, Tenet, Theme, Tomb, Tradition |
U) | Ultimate, Understanding, Unification, Unify, Unique, Unity, Universal |
V) | Venerable, Veneration, Version, Vestments, Vigil, Vigilance, Visit, Voices, Volume, Volunteer |
W) | Weekend, Word, Worldwide, Worship, Worshiper | |
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Easter Lesson Plan extension and Discussion Ideas:
Do you know that the egg represents new life and good fortune as well as rebirth, fertility and resurrection?
1. Why do Christians celebrate Easter with joy?
2. Research how the Easter bunny and Easter eggs were created.
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