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Vacations Year-round

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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}

Vocabulary Word List: 16 words: attractions, destination, entertainment, exploration, gastronomy, idyllic, itinerary, memories, perennial, recollection, recreation, resort, souvenir, spectacular, unforgettable, vacation

Interactive Puzzles [2]
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Fill In the Blanks [1]
Word Search [0]
Definition Match [1]
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True or False [0]
Reading Passage [0]

Vocabulary Word List for Vacations Year-round (592)

  • A)

    Abroad, Accommodation, Activities, Admire, Adventure, Advertisement, Affordable, Agency, Airfare, Airport, All-inclusive, Allure, Ambiance, Amenity, Americana, Amount, Ample, Amusement, Anniversary, Appetite, Appreciation, Aquatic, Ardent, Arrangements, Array, Art, Assist, Athletics, Atmosphere, Attachments, Attitude, Attraction, Availability, Awareness, Awesome

  • B)

    Backyard, Ball game, Band, Beach, Bellhop, Beverage, Biking, Bikini, Blessings, Boathouse, Bon voyage, Bookings, Bouquets, Boutique, Breathtaking, Brochure, Budget, Business class

  • C)

    Cafe, Camper, Camping, Cancellation, Canoeing, Cash, Celebrate, Celebration, Chant, Charge card, Charming, Charter, Choices, Clamor, Climate. coach class, Comfort, Commercial, Common, Communication, Community, Companionship, Complimentary, Consumption, Convenience, Cooperation, Coordinate, Costs, Countryside, Crochet, Culinary, Cultural

  • D)

    Dazzling, Deal, Declaration, Delay, Deluxe, Departure date, Deposit, Dessert, Destination, Discounts, Dispatch, Disturbance, Diversion, Diversity, Domestic, Double occupancy, Downsize, Downtime, Dramatic, Dream, Drinking

  • E)

    Eco-park, Economical, Educational, Elaborate, Elegant, Embellishments, Emergency, Emotional, En masse, Encounter, Endure, Energy, Engulf, Enjoyable, Enjoyment, Entertainment, Environment, Equine, Equinox, Escape, Estimate, Event, Exchanges, Exciting, Exclusive, Excursion, Exhibitions, Exotic, Expectations, Expedition, Expensive, Exploration, Exposure, Extras, Eye-raising

  • F)

    Fabulous, Facilities, Fair, Family, Fanciful, Fancy, Fanfare, Fare, Farewell, Fascination, Fashionable, Favorite, Feast, Feeling, Fees, Ferris Wheel, Festival, Firecracker(s), Fireworks, First class, First rate, Fishing, Fitness, Five-star, Flavor, Flexibility, Flight attendant, Focus, Food, Foolishness, Foreign, Four-star, Freedom, Frequent-flier, Friendships, Frivolity, Fun, Function

  • G)

    Gamble, Games, Gardening, Gas, Gastronomy, Gatherings, Gear, Getaway, Glitter, Glitz, Global, Globe trot, Goal(s), Golf, Good weather, Gourmet, Grandeur, Grandparents, Group, Guest, Guidance, Guide

  • H)

    Habitual, Harbor, Hassle, Haste, Heat, Hiatus, Hideaway, High-end, Hiking, History, Holiday, Home, Hooray, Hope(s), Horse racing, Horseback, Horses, Hospitality, Host, Hostel, Hostess, Hot, Hotel, Humble, Humidity

  • I)

    Ideal(s), Idyll, Illusions, Imagination, Imitate, Immortality, Importance, Impressive, Incentive, Inconvenience, Indulgence, Influence, Informative, Injury, Inn, Insight, Insurance, Integral, International, Invitation, Involvement, Island, Itinerary

  • J)

    Jaunt, Jeans, Jet ski, Join, Journey, Joy, Joyful, Joyous, Juggling, July, Junket, Just-in-case

  • K)

    Kayaking, Keen, Kid-friendly, Kin, Kindness, Kitsch, Knitting

  • L)

    Lake-view, Landmark, Language, Laughter, Launch, Lazy, Legendary, Leisure, Lessons, Libation, Liberty, Library, Lifeguard, Light-rail system, Limitations, Local, Locale, Location, Lodging, Love, Loyalty, Luggage, Luxurious

  • M)

    Major, Major, Mandatory, Marina, Mask, Masses, Memento, Memorable, Memories, Merriment, Merrymaking, Minor, Modification, Money, Monitor, Music, Musical, Mutual

  • N)

    Nation, National, Native, Nibble, Nocturnal, Nominal

  • O)

    Occasion, Ocean front/view, Odious, Odyssey, Official(s), Opportunities, Opportunity, Options, Organization, Outdoors, Outing, Overbook, Overcast, Overseas, Overwhelming

  • P)

    Pace, Packing, Paddle, Paid vacation, Pamphlet, Para-sailing, Parade, Paradise, Park, Participation, Parties, Passionate, Patience, Pause, Payment, Peaceful, Pedal boat, Pension, Perambulate, Perennial, Perk, Photography, Pick pocket, Pickles, Picnic, Picturesque, Pizazz, Planning, Playground, Pleasure, Plenty, Pomp, Popular, Port, Portage, Positive, Precaution, Preparation, Presentation, Preservation, Price, Pride, Pristine, Private, Public, Punch, Purser, Puzzles, Pyrotechnics

  • Q)

    Quaint, Quality, Quantity, Quest, Questions, Quick, Quiet

  • R)

    Racing, Rambling, Reading, Reasonable, Recess, Recollection, Recreation, Recuperation, Reef, Referral, Refreshment, Refund, Regatta, Regional, Rejoicing, Rejuvenate, Relationships, Relatives, Relaxation, Release, Reminder, Reminisce, Rental, Reputation, Requisite, Research, Reservation, Resort, Resource, Respite, Responsibility, Restful, Retreat, Return ticket, Reveal, Revelation, Riparian, Rituals, Roam, Roar, Roller coaster, Romantic, Round-the-world, Route, Routine, Rowing

  • S)

    Sabbatical, Safari, Safety, Sailing, Sanctuary, Sand, Satisfying, Scene, Scenic, Schedule, Season, Secluded, Security, Selection, Service, Setting, Sharing, Shindig, Ship, Shopping, Shore, Shorts, Shows, Shrieking, Shrine, Side trip, Sidewalk, Sightseeing, Sleeping, Smiles, Snorkeling, Solemn, Soothing, Souvenir, Spa, Spacious, Sparkle, Special, Spectacle, Spectator, Spirit, Sports, Stars, Steward, Stewardess, Storyteller, Streamers, Stroll, Stunning, Sublime, Successful, Suitcase, Summer, Sunburn, Sunscreen, Sunshine, Super-patriot, Support, Surfing, Surprise, Surroundings, Swelter, Swimming, Symbol, Symbolism

  • T)

    Taffy, Tanning, Target, Tea, Tennis, Tent, Territory, Theatrical, Theme park, Tickets, Time off, Timeshare, Tips, Toasting, Touring, Tourism, Tournament, Traditions, Travel, Trek, Trend, Tribute, Trip, Tropical, Trunk, Typical

  • U)

    Ubiquitous, Unaware, Unbelievable, Uncertain, Undiscovered, Unforgettable, Unification, Uniform, Union, Unique, Unite, Universal, Unusual, Updated, Upscale, Urban

  • V)

    Vacation, Valuable, Values, Variety, Vendor, Versatile, Veteran, Vibrant, View, Vigilance, Visible, Vista, Vital, Vivacious, Voyage

  • W)

    Wake-boarding, Walks, Wallet, Wander, Wardrobe, Watch, Water sport, Waterfront. water park, Wave, Waving, Wayfarer, Weary, Weekend. welcome, Welfare, Whim, Whirlpool, Widespread, Willingness, Windsurf, Winter, Wisdom, Witness, Woo, World-class, Worldwide, Worth

  • X)

    X-rays, Xanadu

  • Y)

    Yacht, Year abroad, Yearn, Yelling, Yoga, Youth

  • Z)

    Zeal, Zealous, Zest, Zoo

Possible Vacation lesson plan and discussion questions
1. Have you ever taken a vacation? If so, where did you go and why? If you haven't taken a vacation, what do you do in your "free" time? Why?
2. If you could choose one place to visit, where would it be? Why did you choose this location? When would you travel?
3. If you went on a vacation, how would you travel? Would you go by airplane, bus, car, foot, helicopter, motor home, train, etc.

28 great summer treats word lists:
apple pie, barbecue, beans, beer (adult only), brats, cake, chicken, chips, coleslaw, cookies, deviled eggs, dip, fruit, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, ice-tea, lemonade, pasta salad, pies, pop, Popsicles, potato salad, salsa, seafood, soda, steaks, vegetables-cold (for dipping), vendors, watermelon offers more than 640 word lists. To see Vacations, Leisure, and Summer vocabulary lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content that adhere to Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online. There are no fees, no registration.