St. Patrick's Day

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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}

Vocabulary Word List: 18 words: banshee, blarney, boondoggle, boycott, brogue, donnybrook, leprechaun, limerick, Saint Patrick, scones, shamrock, shillelagh, shimmer, smithereens, stew, stout, sweepstakes, tanistry

Interactive Puzzles [2]
Crossword [1]
Fill In the Blanks [1]
Word Search [1]
Definition Match [1]
Concentration Puzzles [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]
Word Find [0]
True or False [1]
Reading Passage [1]

Vocabulary Word List for St. Patrick's Day (231)

  • A)

    Alcohol, Ale, Ancestor, Apparel, Authentic, Awe

  • B)

    Bagpipe, Balbriggan, Balmy, BANSHEE, Battlements, Belleck, Biscuits, Blackthorn, BLARNEY, Bog, Bonnyclabber, BOONDOGGLE, BOYCOTT, Brambles, Brawl, BROGUE, Burr

  • C)

    Cabbage, Cally potatoes, Camagie=field hockey, Cap, Capriciousness, Castles, Catholic, Celtic, Celtic cross, Charming, China, Claddagh, Clan, Cliffs, Clover, Coffee, Colcannon, Colleen, Companionship, Corned beef, Cottage, Countryside, Cricket, Crosses, Crubeens, Crystal, Curragh

  • D)

    Dartboard, Dazzling, Diversity, DONNEYBROOK, Dramatic, Draught, Dreamer, Drumlin, Dulse

  • E)

    Elf, Emerald Isle, Emigrant, Expectation

  • F)

    Faerie (prince), Famine, Fanciful, Fascination, Feast, Fenians, Fibbar MaGee, Fiddle, Fiddler, Folk music, Foolishness

  • G)

    Gabled, Gaelic, Gardens, Ghost, Ghra=my love, Glimmer, Grandeur, Guinness

  • H)

    Hallowed, Hallucination, Hand-knit, Harp, Harpist, Headlands, Hedgerow, Heritage, Historic, Horses, Hospitality, Humble, Hurling

  • I)

    Illusions, Imagery, Imagination, Indulgence, Inn, Insight, Interaction, Ireland, Irish coffee, Irish stew, Irish sweepstakes

  • J)

    Jig, Jolly, Joy

  • K)

    Keen, Keg, Knight, Knits

  • L)

    Lace, Laughter, Legends, LEPRECHAUN, Lilt, LIMERICK, Local, Loiter, Lorry, Lotteries, Lough, Luck

  • M)

    Machree, Magic, Majesty, Matriarch, Mist, Moonflowers, Mulligan stew, Music, Music and dancing, Musical, Mutton, Mysterious, Myths

  • N)

    Nimble, Nonsense

  • O)


  • P)

    Paganism, Parable, Parochial, Passionate, Peat bog, Pint, Pints, Pious, Pipes, Pixie, Plaice, Poetic, Pot pie, Pot-of-gold, Potatoes, Poteen, Prince, Pub (public house), Publican

  • Q)

    Quaint, Query, Quest, Quiet

  • R)

    Rainbow, Rambling, Rebel, Rebellion, Reels, Relatives, Religion, Rituals, Rogue, Romance, Rosy-cheeked, Roundabout, Rugby, Rustic

  • S)

    SAINT PATRICK, SCONES, Seanachais, SHAMROCK, Shananchie, SHILLELAGH, SHIMMER, Shrine, Silkies, Sinn F�in, SMITHEREENS, Soda bread, Sorrow, Spell, Spongeware, Steep, STEW, Storyteller, Storytelling, STOUT stroll, Stunning, Sweaters, SWEEPSTAKES, Symbolism

  • T)

    TANISTRY, Tankard, Tea, Tea pot, Thatch, Thoroughbreds, Tory, Tradition, Troubles, Turf, Tweeds

  • U)

    Unique, Universal

  • V)

    Valiant knight, Vitriol, Vivacious

  • W)

    Wail, Wake, Wee, Whiskey, Whiskey, Wizard, Wonder, Woolens, Woven

  • X)


  • Y)

    Yarn, Yellow

  • Z)


Gaelic Lore: The Luck of the Irish, Irish-American Heritage Month, March 17, St. Patrick's Day word games
CAPITALIZED St. Patrick's Day WORDS refer to the link above and themed content at Click here for Irish/St. Patrick's Day Word Puzzles.

Common Irish expressions

Dia dhuit, a chara, (Hello)
Go raibh maith agat, (Thanks)
Go raibh mile maith agat agus adh mor libh, (Thanks, and good luck to you)
Ceademile failte=1
Erin go bragh=Ireland forever
Mauverneen= my darling
Pig's Trotters
Pisogue= Irish wise woman
seanachais/shananchies =storytellers
1,000 welcomes

Claddagh: The heart for love, the hands for friendship, the crown for loyalty

More Irish information: Do you know? Any Irish town whose name begins with "Lis" means fairies live there.

An Irish Blessing: May you always have walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain, tea beside the fire.
Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire.

St. Patrick's Day Lesson Plans and activities:

1. Name gold items and other treasures for a pot of gold
2. What recipes use potatoes or ingredients from a potato?
3. List three lucky people
4. Draw a rainbow or a four-leaf clover
5. Name 13 green things or words with green in them
6. Share stories about magical things or people
7. Suggest places to go that offer dancing and music
8. What things are typically Irish?
9. Who has helped the Irish people besides St. Patrick?
10. Imagine good jobs that leprechauns could do or find and tell about them
11. List eight names associated with the Irish
12. What sport's teams have green in their uniforms
Shared by DM, Essex County Newspapers

More St. Patrick's Day Lesson Plan ideas:

1. Make a collage about Ireland. Use words, symbols and photographs
2. Locate the weather page in your newspaper. Find listings for weather that have similar temperatures and conditions to those you would find in Ireland. Compare locations, landforms and other information for the city/country you found and Ireland.
3. Write a news story for a historical event that took place in Ireland as if you were a reporter who was there when it happened. Use a newspaper for examples of news stories.
4. Make a clipping file on Ireland. Watch the newspaper for information about the peace process in Ireland. Note changes that occur and what helps or hurts peace in Northern Ireland.
5. Select a person from Ireland's history and write an obituary for him/her. See newspaper obituaries for examples. Some research may help you learn more about some individuals, or you may need to create some details that aren't given.
6. What rights and responsibilities named in our country's Bill of Rights would help the Irish maintain peace? Find examples of people using or abusing these rights and responsibilities in newspapers.
7. Locate and read a newspaper story about conflict between religious groups. Identify the religions involved. What issues are at the center of the conflict? Indicate whether the issues are really related to religious differences, or whether they are caused by political, social or historical differences. Report your findings. Discuss the newspaper story with a small group. What recommendations would your group suggest to solve the conflict? What is the root of the conflict in Ireland?
8. Find an example from the newspaper of conflict between different ethnic groups or cultures. What groups are involved? What is the reason for the conflict? What recommendations would you make to reduce prejudice and end the conflict?
9. Work in small groups to select a story from a newspaper or magazine that includes conflict of some kind. Take turns role-playing the two sides of the conflict for the rest of the class. Use some peer-mediation skills to try to resolve the conflict, by following this process:
(1) describe the mediation process,
(2) tell the story,
(3) identify facts and issues,
(4) identify alternative solutions,
(5) revise and discuss solutions,
(6) reach an agreement.
Watch for follow-up stories in the newspaper that indicate how the matter was actually resolved.
(with thanks to C.D. of NIE )

Using the newspaper find as many of these items as you can.
1. An advertisement for an item that would take a "pot of gold" to buy.
2. A recipe for preparing corned beef and cabbage
3. A feature story about lucky people or events
4. A city that might be able to see a rainbow due to their weather.
5. A list of all the different shades of green named in the paper.
6. Four lucky things you wish for that you could write on each leaf of a four leaf clover.
7. A location hosting a St. Patrick's Day parade, party or dance.
8. Something Irish
9. A photo of someone celebrating St. Patrick's Day
10. A story about someone who is helping others like St. Patrick helped his fellow Irishmen.
11. Find a classified help wanted listed that would be a good job for a leprechaun.
12. A list of Irish names found in the obituary listings.
13. The name of a sport's team whose colors are green & white.
14. A comic strip about St. Patrick's Day
Provided by Diane Goold, Newspaper In Education Director, St. Joseph News-Press, St. Joseph, MO & Dale Miller (Essex County Newspaper)

Green things word list (or things that have "green" in their names)
greenhouse, greenbacks, green around the gills, Greensleeves, Greenwich, green-eyed monster, green eggs and ham, chlorophyll, The Incredible Hulk, Kermit the Frog, Greenland, Penicillin, The Grinch, Puff the Magic Dragon, green light, greenhorn, green gage plum, The Green Berets, greenery, green card, little green men, green thumb, green(s) fee, evergreens, Gumby, Mr. Greenjeans, The Green Mountains, The Green Party, Greenspan, Green Bay Packers, Greenwich Village, The Jolly Green Giant shared by SC, North Canton, OH

Additional list of Green word list from www.
turn green, greenish, grass, greenbelt, Greenway (Kate), Greenback Party, green bean, green apple, green finch, green grocer, Green Mountain Boys, green onion, green pepper, Greensboro, NC., Greenville, SC., green turtle, greenware, greenwood, green with envy, verdigris offers more than 680 word lists. To see more vocabulary word lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content with Latin root words that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online without registration or fees.