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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}
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Vocabulary Word List: 30 words: Ambiguous, Celebration, Colleague, Commitment, Competitors, Controversy, Dedication, Defeated, Determination, Disagreement, Discipline, Endurance, Exact, Extravaganza, Exuberance, Gold Metal, Harmony, Inspire, Irritate, Morose, Motivate, Opponent, Pageantry, Perseverance, Persistence, Precise, Privacy, Spectacle, Triumphant, Victorious
Activation, Active, Aerobics, Agent, Aggressive, Alternate, Announcement, Arrangements, Assist, Assistance, Athlete, Attendance, Attraction, Averages
Balance, Ball, Basketball, Beauty, Berth, Best, Bicycle, Bid, Blood, Blood pressure, Body, Bones, Bounce, Boxing, Breath, Breathe, Bronze medal, Butterfly stroke, Buzzer
Captivate, Cardiovascular, Challenge, Champion, Championship, Charisma, Charm, Coach, Collapse, Commitment, Competition, Conditioning, Conference, Contingencies, Contract, Conversion, Convert, Coordination, Courage, Curfew, Curling, Cycle, Cycling
Defense, Defensive, Delegation, Diet, Disease, Distraction, Division, Doctor, Downhill, Dribble, Drive, Drugs, Dumbbells
Elevation, Emergency, Endurance, Energy, Errors, Evacuation, Event, Event, Exalt, Exaltation, Excellence, Exemplary, Exemption, Exercise, Exertion, Expectation
Feature, Finalist, Firepower, Fit, Flex, Force, Foul, Framework, Free throw, Fumble, Function
Games, Goal, Gold medal, Grip, Guests, Guidelines, Gymnasium
Halftime, Hammer, Handlebar, Health, Healthy, Herbs, Hit, Home run, Hoops, Hurtles, Hygiene, Hygienic
Imagination, Individual, Infection, Information, Injunction, Injury, Insulation, Interception, Interpretation
Jargon, Joy, Judge, Judo, Jump, Jump rope, Jumping jack
Kick, Kinetics
Leader, League, Legend, Losing, Loss, Lucky, Lumbar
Magic, Manager, Margin, Massage, Masseur, Mat, Maximize, Measure, Medal, Media, Medical, Medication, Memory, Metabolic, Method, Minimize, Miss, Moisture, Moisturize, Monitor, Motivate, Motivation, Muscles
Needs, Nemesis, Nervousness, News, Nurse
Offensive, Official, Opportunity, Opt, Optimism, Option, Outbreak, Outstanding
Panic, Paraffin, Pass, Pedal, Penalties, Percentage, Perform, Performance, Perimeter, Perspiration, Pessimism, Petrify, Physiotherapy, Pitcher, Plan, Players, Points, Poll, Position, Possession, Potent, Power, Power play, Practice, Preparation, Prevention, Professional, Profile, Program, Promising, Protect, Protection, Pulley, Puncture
Quads, Quality, Quest, Quick, Quintessential, Quiver
Ranking, Rebound, Recognition, Record, Recovery, Recruit, Regulations, Rehabilitation, Relax, Reserve, Resilient, Resistance, Response, Responsible, Risk, Role, Row, Running, Rush, Russia
Sanitary, Saves, Scare, Scenario, Scent, Scheme, Scoreboard, Scores, Scoring, Season, Security, Sedentary, Sensible, Shape up, Shot, Shut-out, Silver medal, Size, Slide, Soccer, Speculation, Spinning, Spirit, Sports, Sportsmanship, Squad, Squat, Stability, Stamina, Standings, Statistics, Strategy, Streak, Strength, Stretching, Stride, Strong, Sugar, Superstition, Supine, Support, Supremacy, Suspension, Symptoms
Tackle, Target, Team, Teammate, Technical, Terror, Terrorist, Testing, Therapeutic, Therapy, Timeout, Timing, Tone, Torch, Torso, Touch down, Tournament, Trainer, Training, Transform, Tremors, Trot, Turnovers
Unbelievable, Underscore, Unique, Unrestricted, Unusual
Vaccination, Valiant, Valor, Vault, Venue, Vibration, Victory, Violation, Votes
Waive, Warm up, Watchful, Weary, Weigh, Weights, Win, Wince, Winning, Wisdom, Withdraw, Work out, World
Yards, Youth
Zeal, Zeal
Summer Olympic Sports that Americans tend to prefer
Based on a survey of more than 1,000 people age 18+; respondents could choose more than one ---- source:
Gymnastics = 69%
Swimming/Diving = 62%
Track & Field = 46%
Basketball = 35%
Baseball = 32% offers more than 775 word lists. To see more Sports, Competition, Exercise, Fitness word lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content with Latin roots that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online without ads, registration or fees.