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Music and Fine Arts

Below is either a list of themes or a list of 8 puzzles for a specific theme. Click on a theme or puzzle that will take you to an interactive activity. All content is printable without a charge. Thank you for sharing our vocabulary content with others.
NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}

Vocabulary Word List: 24 words: acappella, acoustics, audition, cadence, classical, concerto, dulcet, entertainment, harmony, interval, mellifluous, melody, octave, performance, progression, quintet, repetition, requiem, resonance, rhapsodic, sonata, staccato, symphonic, syncopation

Interactive Puzzles [2]
Crossword [0]
Fill In the Blanks [2]
Word Search [0]
Definition Match [2]
Concentration Puzzles [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]
Word Find [0]
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Reading Passage [0]

Vocabulary Word List for Music and Fine Arts (373)

  • A)

    A cappella, Abrasive, Accidental, Accompaniment, Accordion, Acoustics, Adaptation, Alto, Amateur, Amplification, Applause, Appreciation, Approval, Aria, Array, Artist, Artistic, Assemble, Assurance, Atmosphere, Audience, Audition, Auditory, Awe

  • B)

    Baby grand, Ballet, Band, Barbershop quartet, Baroque, Bass, Baton, Beat, Bells, Bewitched, Bluegrass, Boisterous, Brass, Bravado, Broadcast, Brushwork, Brusque

  • C)

    Cadence, Calypso, Can-can, Canon, Cantata, Canvas, Chamber music, Chanting, Charleston, Chime, Choir, Choral, Chord, Chord, Chorus, Christmas carols, Clapping, Classic, Classical, Clef, Collaboration, Collection, Commanding, Commentary, Communication, Complement, Compose, Composer, Composition, Concert, Concertina, Concertina, Concertmaster, Concerto, Conservatory, Console, Continuous, Contribution, Conviction, Cor, Counterpoint, Creative, Crescendo, Critic, Crowd-pleasing, Culture

  • D)

    Damper, Dance, Debut, Dedication, Delivery, Depth, Development, Diffuse, Digital, Dignity, Digression, Display, Dissonant, Diverse, Diversification, Diversity, Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do, Dominant, Download, Dramatic, Duet, Duo, Duplication, Duration, Dynamic

  • E)

    Ear, Education, Elaboration, Electronic, Element, Eloquence, Eloquent, Emission, Encore, Enjoyment, Enlightened, Ensemble, Entertainment, Etude, Execution, Experience, Expression, Exquisitely, Extraordinary

  • F)

    Fa-la-la, Facade, Facets, Falsetto, Fandango, Fanfare, Fantasia, Fantasy, Finale, Flair, Flat, Flourish, Focus, Folk music, Foxtrot, Fragment, Free form, Frenzied, Fret, Fugue, Full-blown

  • G)

    Gauge, Generate, Genius, Glare, Gospel

  • H)

    Half step, Harmony, Hearing, Heritage, Hiatus, Highlight, Humanities, Hymn

  • I)

    Illumination, Imagery, Imitation, Impromptu, Infusion, Innovate, Inspiration, Instrumental, Intensity, Interpretation, Ipod

  • J)

    Jazz, Jingle, Judge, Juxtaposition

  • K)

    Key, Keyboard

  • L)

    Landscape, Libretto, Light opera, Listening, Literary, Loudness, Lullaby, Luminous, Lyrical

  • M)

    Macarena, Madrigal, Magnify, Major, March, Masterpiece, Masterwork, Matinee, Measure, Medium, Melody, Memorable, Mezzo-soprano, Minor, Minstrel, Modern medium, Modulate, Momentum, Motive, Movement, Musician

  • N)

    Natural, Notation, Note, Nuance, Numbers

  • O)

    Octave, Ode, Official, On-stage, Opera, Oratorio, Orchestra, Orchestral, Organ, Organist, Outburst, Ovation, Overtones, Overture

  • P)

    Passage, Patterns, Pedal, Perception, Percussion, Performance, Persistence, Phrase, Piano, Pinnacle, Pitch, Playback, Playing, Pluck, Poetry, Polyphonic, Popular, Portrayal, Practice, Preference, Prelude, Premiere, Presence, Prodigy, Professional, Prolific, Promote, Promotion, Publish

  • Q)

    Quality, Quantity, Quartet, Quaver, Quintessential, Quintet

  • R)

    Range, Rap, Recitation, Recognition, Records, Refrain, Rehearsal, Religious, Represent, Resonance, Rest, Restraint, Rhythm, Rock, Rousing

  • S)

    Scale, Scherzo, Score, Sculpture, Secular, Serenade, Sextet, Sharp, Sheet music, Signature, Singing, Smooth, Softness, Solemn, Solo, Soloist, Sonata, Song, Sonnet, Soprano, Sounds, Spiritual, Spontaneity, Spotlight, Staccato, Staff, Stage-craft, Stem, Stereophonic, Stop, String, Strings, Strobe, Studio, Style, Stylized, Sublime, Successful, Suite, Surge, Symmetry, Symphony, Syncopation

  • T)

    Talent, Technique, Tempo, Tenor, Texture, Theme, Thunderous, Timbre, Time value, Tone, Tour, Traditional, Training, Transformation, Treatment, Treble, Trill, Trio, Troubadour, Troupe, Tunes

  • U)

    Undemonstrative, Understanding, Uneventful, Unique, Upright

  • V)

    Variation, Veer, Version, Vibrant, Vibrations, Vibrato, Violin, Visibility, Vocal, Voice, Volatile

  • W)

    Warmth, Whirlwind, Whole step, Woodwinds, Written score

  • X)


  • Y)

    Youth, Youthful

  • Z)

    Zeal, Zip, Zither

Musical Instruments word list

Accordion, Bagpipe, banjo, brass, bassoon, bugle, calliope, carillon, castanets, clarinet, clavier, cello, cornet, cymbal, double bass, drums, fiddle, fife, flute, glockenspiel, gong, guitar, harmonica, harp, horn, kettledrum, lute, lyre, mandolin, piano, oboe, piano, piccolo, recorder, reed, saxophone, sitar, snare, tambourine, timpani, triangle, trombone, trumpet, tuba, ukulele, violin, xylophone, zither
Please email to add more musical words to the Music word list.

Music Lesson Plans and discussion questions:
1.Composers come from many countries. Choose from American, Austrian, British, French, German, Italian or Russian composers and write about the composer and his/her music. In your presentation, include examples of their work.
2. Discuss the variety of music instruments. Pick one or two as your favorite(s). Why did you pick him/her/them? (Did you use the list above to help you select your choice?)
Illustrate your choice and have classmates hear music from that instrument.
3. Vocal music includes many types of singing. Give examples in written and oral presentations. What specific people have made this type of music popular?

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