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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}
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Vocabulary Word List: 40 words: blacksmith, blinders, Churchill Downs, colts, competition, daily double, derby, equestrian, equine, favorite, fillies, furlong, gait, gallop, geldings, handicap, horses, jockey, Kentucky, Louisville, paddock, performance, post, race, racetrack, saddle, sire, speed, sportsmanship, stakes race, stallion, stellar, temperament, thoroughbred, trainer, Triple Crown, veterinarian, victorious, yearling
Advance, AHSA, Alfalfa, Ancestry, Appearance, Appetite, Apprehension, Aqueduct, Arab, Ascot
Balance, Barn, Bay, Beast, Beauty, Bedding, Beginner, Behavior, Belmont Stakes, Betting, Bit, Blacksmith, Blaze, Blinders, Bran, Breeches, Breeding, Bridle, Buckle
Cannon, Canter, Career, Challenge, Champion, Charge, Chestnut, Chuff, Churchill Downs, Cinders, Clover, Coat, Colors, Colt, Command, Communication, Compete, Competition, Condition, Contender, Contribution, Course, Croup, Cue, Currycomb
Daily double, Dam, Demonstration, Derby, Disaster, Domesticated, Doze, Dun
Earnings, Ease, Effortless, Equestrian, Equine, Equipment, Equitation, Event, Eventful, Examination, Exercise, Exhibition, Extension
Failure, Falter, Farm, Favorite, Fee, Feed, Festivity, Fever, Filly, Foal, Forefoot, Forelock, Formation, Frame, Furlong
Gait, Gallop, Gamble, Gelding, Gentle, Gesture, Grain, Grass, Graze
Habit, Hackamore, Hackney, Halter, Handicap, Handler, Handling, Hands, Hats, Hay, Hide, Hind, Hoof, Horse, Horseback, Horsefly, Horsemanship, Horsey
Illness, Industry, Inflammation, Injury, Intelligence, Intermediate, International
Jockey, Jodhpur, Joy, Judging, Jump-off, Jumping
Keen, Kentucky Derby, Kick
Laminitis, Last-place, Lead, Leather, Leg, Loss, Louisville, Lunge, Lure
Maiden race, Mammal, Mane, Manger, Mare, May, Meadow, Medication, Motion, Mount, Movement, Muzzle
Nation�s Cup, Natural, Neigh, Notice, Novice
Oats, Obedience, Obstacle, Odds, Official, Outdoors, Outing, Overcome, Owner
Pace, Paddock, Parade, Participation, Pastern, Pasture, Patience, Penalty, Performance, Periodic, Pick, Pinto, Place, Pony, Popularity, Post, Posting, Powerful, Prize, Puissant, Purebred
Quarter horse, Quarters
Race, Racing, Rack, Rail fence, Ranch, Rear, Regard, Register, Registry, Reins, Rhythm, Ride, Rider, Ringer, Roan, Roses, Routine, Rump, Run, Runner-up
Saddle, Santa Anita, Shavings, Show, Signal, Sire, Skill, Snaffle, Sock, Sorrel, Southwest Stakes, Speed, Springtime, Spur, Stable, Stakes race, Stall, Stallion, Stand, Stands, Star, Starting gate, Steed, Steeplechase, Stellar, Stirrup, Strap, Strenuous, Stress, Stretch, Stud, Style, Symptom
Tack, Temperament, Temperamental, Terrain, Thoroughbred, Thrush, Top, Track, Trainer, Triple Crown, Trot, Twitch
Unbeaten, Unique, Untangle, Unusual, Useful
Vaccination, Variety, Veterinarian, Victory, Vigor, Visible, Voice
Wean, Whicker, Whinny, Whip, Widespread, Win, Winner, Withers, Workout
Yearling, Young
Zeal, Zest
Links to 3 vocabulary words lists for various animal types:
Horses (331)
Animal types (237)
Kentucky Derby Horse Racing (282)