History-How America Works

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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}

Vocabulary Word List: KIDS Discover 15 words:

Interactive Puzzles [2]
Crossword [0]
Fill In the Blanks [1]
Word Search [0]
Definition Match [1]
Concentration Puzzles [0]
Synonyms and Antonyms [0]
Word Find [0]
True or False [0]
Reading Passage [0]

Vocabulary Word List for History-How America Works (230)

  • A)

    Acts, Administration, Adoption, Advantage, Advice, Advise, Advocate, Affiliation, Agenda, Agreement, Allocate, AMENDMENT, Article, Assist, Attitude, Authority, Authorization

  • B)

    Balance, Ballot, Basic, Belief, Bicameral, Bill of Rights, Bipartisan, Bipartisanship, Branch, Budget, Bureaucracy

  • C)

    Cabinet, Campaign, Candidate, Capital, Caucus, Check, Citizenship, Clause, Cloture, Committee, CONCEIVE, Concurrent, Conduct, Congress, Consent, Constituent, Constitution, Contribute, Contribution, Control, Cooperation, Council, Court, Courtesy, Crossover, Curtail

  • D)

    Debate, Debt, Decision, Deficit, Delay, Delegate, Democracy, Department, Detente, Direct, Doctrine, Domestic

  • E)

    Efficacy, Election, Electoral College, Enforce, Engage, Enterprise, ENUMERATE, Equality, ESTABLISH, Evidence, Exclusive, Executive Branch, Exemplify, Expire, Express

  • F)

    Faction, Federal, FEDERALISM, Filibuster, First Amendment, Founding Fathers

  • G)

    Gerrymandering, Goal, Government, Grant, Guilt

  • H)


  • I)

    Ideals, Identification, Ideology, Illegal, Impact, Impeach, Implied, Impound, Inadmissible, Inalienable, Incumbent, Inefficiency, Influence, Inherent, Initiative, Insight, Interpretation, Interstate

  • J)

    Job, Joint, Judgment, Judicial

  • K)


  • L)

    Lame duck, Law, Leader, Legal, LEGISLATIVE, Legislator, Legislature, Lobby, Lobbyist, Local

  • M)

    Machine, Major, Majority, Management, Maritime, Meeting, Member, Minority

  • N)

    Nation, National, Nominate

  • O)

    Official, Oligarchy, ORDAIN, Outcome, Override

  • P)

    Parties, Partisan, PERFECT, PERPETUATE, Petition, Philosophy, Policy, Political party, Poll, Popular, Population, POSTERITY, Power, Presidential, Prevent, Primary, Procedure, Process, Proper, Protection, Public, Public domain, Punishment, Purpose

  • Q)

    Quality, Quest

  • R)

    Range, RATIFICATION, Recall, Referendum, Representative, REPUBLIC, Requirement, Reserve, Responsibility, Restraint, Review, Reward, Rights, Rule safe seat

  • S)

    Search, SECURE, Security, Sedition, Seizure, Select, Separation, Share, Signature, SIMULTANEOUS, Speaker of the House, Special interest, Spending, Split, State, Status, Strict, Successful, Suffrage, Support, Supreme, System

  • T)

    Tax, Technique, Tension, Term, Threaten, Ticket, TRANQUILITY, Two-thirds, Tyranny

  • U)

    Unconstitutional, Unicameral, UNIQUENESS, Unity, Unpopular

  • V)

    Various, Veto, Violation, Vital, Vote

  • W)

    Ward, Wealth, Whip, Wide, Worthy

  • X)


  • Y)


  • Z)


Note: Words in CAPITAL letters are features on Constitution Day word puzzles available on the homepage:

Government and Constitution lesson plan and discussion questions:
1. In what document, adopted in 1791, can you find ten amendments to the Constitution?
2. Explain the term, "New Federalism"
3. What branches of the US government enforces laws?
4. What does the term "filibuster" mean?
5. How many members are there in the House of Representatives? In the Senate? How many from each state?
6. Explain, "pocket veto" offers more than 405 word lists. To see more word lists, please go to the home page at for interactive worksheets, word puzzles, word games and themed content. 2500 pages of free content at are available only online. There are no fees.