1) Eclipse Crossword -- myvocabulary.com
ACROSS: 2 - Capable of magnifying distant objects (obtained by use of an optical instrument) (adjective) 7 - An aggregate amount: sum, whole; the quality or state of having entirety (noun) 9 - Act or instance of noticing, perceiving, watching or regarding attentively (noun) 12 - Alignment of celestial bodies so that one is obscured, either partially or totally, by the other (noun) 14 - Occurring in the season between summer and winter; a period of maturity verging on decline (adjective) 15 - Occurring in or pertaining to the spring; fresh, young; youthful (adjective) 16 - Point nearest the earth in the orbit of the moon or a satellite (noun) DOWN: 1 - Point in the orbit of the Earth that is closest to the Sun (usually the Earth reaches perihelion in early January) (noun) 3 - Either of two times a year when the Sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator (about June 22 or December 22) (noun) 4 - The upper atmosphere of the Sun that appears as a halo around the Sun during a total eclipse (noun) 5 - A partial or imperfect shadow, as in an eclipse; shadowy or indefinite area (noun) 6 - Point in the orbit of the moon or artificial satellite most distant from earth; the highest, farthest point; apex (noun) 8 - A scientific observer of the celestial bodies (the material universe beyond the earth's surface) (noun) 10 - Bending or changing the direction of a ray of light, a sound or heat wave (adjective) 11 - To shut, close or stop up (a passage, opening, etc.); to block; to shut in, out or off (verb) 13 - Either of the two times each year when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere of equal length, usually about March 21 and September 23 (noun) |
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