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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}
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Vocabulary Word List: 28 words: aphelion, apogee, astronomer, autumnal, azimuth, constellation, corona, eclipse, elliptical, equinox, lunar, observation, occlude, penumbra, perigee, perihelion, planet, refract, saros, seasonal, solar, solstice, spectroscope, steroid, synodic month, telescopic, totality, vernal
Aberration, Absolute, Acceleration, Achievement, Administration, Adventure, Aerodynamics, Aerogel, Aerospace, Agency, Air Force, Alien, Altitude, Ambient, Ammonia, Analysis, Anomaly, Apex, Aphelion, Apogee, Apotheosis, Arc, Ascendant, Asteroid, Astronaut, Astronomer, Astronomy, Atmosphere, Aurora borealis, Axis, Azimuth
Beyond, Big Bang theory, Binary, Black hole, Blazing, Bodies, Buffet, Burn, Burst, Byproduct
Carbon dioxide, Celestial, Centrifugal force, Ceremony, Challenger, Chaos, Circular, Cislunar, Climate, Clouds, Cold, Collision, Colossal, Combustion, Comet, Commander, Communication, Composition, Conjunction, Consequence, Constellation, Contribution, Corona, Cosmic, Cosmology, Cosmonaut, Crater, Crew, Crowd, Cusp
Danger, Data, Declination, Degree, Density, Deploy, Descendant, Descent, Disaster, Discovery, Disintegrate, Display, Distant, Documentation, Domination, Double star, Drift, Dust, Dwarf planet
Eclipse, Ecliptic, Edmond, Einstein, Electron, Ellipse, Emission, Encircle, Engineer, Eon, Equator, Equinox, Equipment, Evidence, Evolution, Exobiology, Expansion, Expedition, Experiment, Exploration, Explosion, Exposure, External, Extraterrestrial
Fireball, Flight, Fluorocarbon content, Force field, Formation, Fossil fuel, Fragment, Full moon
Galactic, Galaxy, Galileo, Gamma rays, Gaseous, Geocentric, Geophysics, Global, Glory, Gravitation, Gravity, Gyroscope
Halley, Halo, Hazard, Head-quarters, Heat, Heavenly body, Hemisphere, Herschel (Alexander and Caroline), Historic, Honor, Horizon, Horizon, Horoscope, Hubble, Hydraulic, Hypothesis
Icy, Ignite, Ignition, Illumination, Image, Immediate, Impact, Impulse, Industry, Inquiry, Inspection, Instruments, Intergalactic, Interplanetary, Interstellar, Investigation, Ionosphere, Ions
Jettison, Journey, Jupiter, Justification
Kilometers, Kuiper Belt
Laboratory, Land form, Launch, Launch pad, Legacy, Liftoff, Light years, Location, Luminosity, Lunar
Magnetic, Magnitude, Maneuver, Map, Mars, Marvel, Measurements, Meteor, Meteorite, Methane, Milky Way, Mission, Module, Molecules, Moon, Moons
Nadir, NASA, Navigation, Nebula, Newton, Node, North Star, Northern Lights, Nova, Nutation
Objective, Objects, Observable, Operation, Orbit, Origin, Outer space, Overlap, Ozone
Parallax, Particles, Path, Penetrate, Penumbra, Perigee, Phase, Pioneer, Planet, Planetarium, Planetary, Polestar, Positions, Praise, Probe, Productive, Program, Propellant, Propulsion, Protection, Proton, Prototype, Public, Pulsar
Quarter moon, Quasar, Quest, Questions, Quintessence
Radiation, Rays, Re-entry, Reflector, Reject, Relativity, Reliability, Rendezvous, Research, Responsibility, Restriction, Revolution, Revolve, Rings, Rocket, Rocks, Rotation
Satellite, Scientific, Scientist, Seismometer, Sensation, Session, Sextant, Shooting star, Shuttle, Significant, Simulation, Sir Issac, Size, Sky, Soar, Solar system, Solstice, Space, Space craft, Space station, Spatial, Spectrometry, Spectrum, Spherical, Spinning, Star dust, Stars, Stellar, Storms, Stratosphere, Subatomic, Success, Sun, Sunspot, Super nova, Support, Sustain, Swirling, Syzygy
Technology, Telescope, Temperature, Terra, Thrust, Tide, Track, Tragedy, Training, Trajectory, Transmissions, Transport, Turbulence, Twinkle
Ultraviolet rays, Umbra, Unique, Universe, Unknown, Unstable, Uranus
Vaporize, Variation, Variety, Vast, Vehicle, Velocity, Vent, Venus, Vibration, Vicinity, View, Violence, Virtual, Visible, Vision, Volcanic, Voluntary, Voyage
Waning moon, Warming, Wavelength, Waxing moon, Weather, Weightlessness, Whirl
Zeal, Zenith, Zero, Zodiac, Zone
Planets in the solar system listed in proximity to the sun
Here is a SOLAR SYSTEM mnemonic to help memorize the names of the planets.
M = My
V = Very
E = Energetic
M = Monkey
J = Just
S = Sat
U = Upon
N = Nuts offers more than 650 word lists. To see The Solar System, Eclipse and Science vocabulary vocabulary word lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. 2500 pages of free content are available only online. There are no fees.