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  • The Crossword Puzzle is 1 of 8 word puzzles and activities.
  • Get a printout of the Crossword. The Crossword answers are also printable.
  • Use the word definitions to fill-in the best word choice on the puzzle. All words contain a word roots. Scan and email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • Common Core alignment to a Crossword puzzle is to three key phrases:
    "Precise Meaning", "Spell Correctly" and "Grade Level".
    CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
    Precise Meaning: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4e, 3.4d, 4.4c, 5.4c, 6.4c, 7.4c, 8.4c, 9-10.4c, 11-12.4c
    Spell Correctly: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: L.2.2d+e, L.3.2e+f, L.4.2d, L.5.2d, L.6.2b, L.7.2b, L.8.2c, L.9-10.2c, L.11-12.2b
    Grade Level: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9-10.4, 11-12.4
  • 1) Election Big Crossword --

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    # 3 - system or set of moral principles; rules of conduct
    # 7 - an office or position assigned officially; engagement
    # 9 - voters in a district represented by an elected official
    # 10 - false profession of desirable or publicly approved qualities; pretense of having virtues
    # 12 - oneness; a whole or totality; absence of diversity
    # 13 - to try to influence the actions or votes of public officials in legislative or administrative decision
    # 16 - a male child in relation to his parents (expression: "favorite ____")
    # 17 - to appoint or propose for a duty or office
    # 20 - work of little or no value done merely to look busy
    # 24 - skill or eloquence in public speaking
    # 27 - the dividing of a state into election districts to give one political party a majority
    # 31 - first name of Democratic presidential nominee for 2000 election
    # 32 - general erudition; acquaintance with facts, truths or principles
    # 35 - preliminary election; first in rank or importance
    # 36 - maneuvers for gaining advantage or success
    # 37 - person who has failed significantly at something
    # 38 - gained by association with another (expression: "riding the ______")
    # 39 - to act in response to an agent, influence or stimulus
    # 40 - the points, matters or disputes in question


    # 1 - systematic course of aggressive activities for a specific purpose
    # 2 - currently holding an indicated office
    # 4 - a meeting of the members of a political party
    # 5 - a formally drawn request (noun); to make an entreaty or request (verb)
    # 6 - manner of conducting oneself
    # 8 - preposition used to express direction or motion
    # 11 - a specific district or area
    # 14 - precedence or status obtained due to length of service
    # 15 - to take out or pull back; to remove; to retreat
    # 18 - pertaining to judgment in courts of justice
    # 19 - person who signifies a choice upon casting a ballot; elector
    # 21 - bitter quarrel or contention; argument
    # 22 - number of members of a group required to be present to transact business (majority)
    # 23 - branch of government having the power to make laws
    # 25 - acts of disclosing or making known
    # 26 - strange, unfamiliar; not within range of knowledge; not discovered
    # 28 - civil officer charged with administration of the law; minor judicial officer (e.g. justice of the peace)
    # 29 - person whose occupation is the taking of public samplings or opinions
    # 30 - pertaining to persons who select or choose by vote
    # 33 - person designated to represent others at a political convention
    # 34 - where a voter marks his or her vote
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    2) Election SAM Crossword --

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  • 3 - showing or expressing great joy

  • 8 - being forceful and fluent in speaking

  • 10 -to make clearly known

  • 11 - broad plans for the attainment of a goal

  • 12 - to go through places asking for opinions or sentiments


  • 1 - discussion of a question where opposing opinions are expressed

  • 2 - to refuse to admit or approve

  • 4 - opposed to one's interests

  • 5 - one who seeks an honor or office

  • 6 - marked by kindness and courtesy

  • 7 - empty, insincere or foolish talk

  • 9 - personal magnetism enabling an individual to influence and/or attract people
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