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NOTE: Each theme has a corresponding vocabulary word list that can be accessed from the home page "Word List" menu bar or below the series of puzzle activities. For answers to any questions, please email jancook{at}
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Vocabulary Word List: , analogous, background, brushstroke, contrasting, Degas, expressive, foreground, horizon line, impasto, Impressionism, landscape, Monet, mood, movement. thick, oval, paint, texture
Ability, Absorbing, Abstract, Acclaimed, Acquisition, Acrylic, Adaptation, Adept, Aesthetic, Aficionado, Analogous, Angular, Appreciation, Arrangement, Array, Artistic, Artlessness, Assemblage, Assemble, Assist, Assistance, Asymmetry, Attempt, Attraction, Audience, Audience, Authentic, Avid, Award-winning, Axis
Background, Balance, Baroque, Beauty, Beholder, Bias, Blur, Bravado, Bravo, Brushwork
Caliber, Canvas, Captivate, Capture, Carve, Caution, Celebrity, Ceramics, Chalk, Charcoal, Charisma, Clamor, Classic, Clay, Collaboration, Collage, Collection, Color, Commanding, Commitment, Communication, Competition, Complementary, Component, Composition, Concave, Concentration, Connoisseur, Contour, Contract, Contrast, Contribution, Converge, Convex, Cool color, Coordination, Crafts, Creativity, Crescendo, Crowd-pleasing, Culture, Curator, Curve
Dabble, Dazzle, Debut, Decor, Decorative, Demonstration, Depth, Design, Device, Diagonal, Diffuse, Digital image, Direction, Disorganized, Display, Distraction, Diverse, Diversity, Dramatic, Drive, Dynamic
Effect, Element, Eloquence, Emotion, Endurance, Energy, Ensemble, Entertainment, Essence, Euphoric, Evaluation, Exaggeration, Exalt, Execution, Exemplary, Exhibition, Exposure, Expression, Expressive, Exquisite, Extraordinary
Facade, Facets, Facilitate, Falter, Fascination, Features, Finalist, Flat, Flexible, Flourish, Fluid, Fluorescent, Focus, Foreground, Form, Format, Forte, Framework, Frenzy, Fuzz
Gauge, Genius, Genre, Geometric, Gesture, Glare, Glaze, Gloss, Graceful, Graphic
Harmony, Hatching, Hiatus, Highlight, Hone, Horizon line, Hue, Humanities, Hype
Iconic, Idealization, Illumination, Illustration, Illustrious, Image, Imagery, Imagination, Impact, Impression, Impressionist, Impressive, Impromptu, Inclination, Inconsistent, Individual, Influence, Infusion, Innovative, Insight, Inspirational, Instrumental, Integrity, Intensity, Intent, International, Interpretation, Inventive
Jagged, Jargon, Judge, Judgment, Juxtaposition
Keen, Key
Landscape, Legendary, Light source, Lighting, Line, Lively, Luminous, Luster, Lyrical
Magic, Major, Manifestation, Masterwork, Maximize, Meager, Measure, Media, Medium, Memorable, Minimize, Minor, Mixed, Momentum, Mood, Motion, Motivate, Motivation, Movement, Movies, Muse
Neutral, Niche, Nimble, Nostalgia, Notation, Nuance
Ocher, Oomph, Opportunity, Opt, Optimal, Ornate, Outline, Outstanding, Oval, Overlap, Overture
Painting, Palette, Parallel, Participation, Passionate, Pastel, Pattern, Perception, Perpendicular, Persistence, Perspective, Perspiration, Phenomenal, Pigment, Pinnacle, Placement, Popular, Portrait, Portrayal, Pose, Position, Potent, Pottery, Powerful, Practice, Prelude, Premiere, Presence, Pressure, Primary, Professional, Profile, Project, Promising, Proportion, Provocative
Quality, Quantity, Quick, Quintessential, Quirk
Realistic, Recede, Recognition, Refine, Repetition, Reputation, Resilient, Resonance, Response, Restraint, Retrospective, Revival, Rhythm
Scale, Scenery, Scheme, Sculpt, Sculpture, Secondary, Shade, Shadow, Shallowness, Shapes, Sharp, Sketch, Skill, Solo, Soulful, Space, Spectacular, Spectrum, Speculation, Spin, Spirit, Spontaneity, Spotlight, Stamina, Star, Status, Still life, Stipple, Straight, Streak, Strength, Stretch, Stunning, Style, Sublime, Subtle, Symbolic, Symmetry
Talent, Technical, Technicolor, Technique, Tertiary, Texture, Tint, Tone, Training, Transform, Transformation, Transmission
Ultimate, Unbelievable, Unconventional, Unique, Unity, Unprecedented, Unusual
Value, Vanguard, Vanishing point, Variation, Variety, Veer, Version, Vertical, Vibrant, Viewpoint, Visibility, Vision, Visual, Vital, Volatile
Warm, Watercolor, Whirl
Zeal, Zest, Zip
Basic Art areas
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