Our Faculty
The Vocabulary University faculty has been hired by MyVocabulary.com from Cassius One LLC to assist and help teach that" Education Stimulation and Fun - That's the Way it's Supposed to Be."
"Hi, I am Dick Shinary, Chancellor of Literacy at Vocabulary University." Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
"Hi, I am Cinny Nym, Dean of Faculty at Vocabulary University." Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
"Hi, I am Auntie Nym, Professor Emeritus at Vocabulary University." Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
"Hi, I am Cy Clopedia, Director of Academic Research at Vocabulary University." Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |
"Hi, I am Crossword, the Mascot of Vocabulary University." Email: jancook@myvocabulary.com |