• The Fill-in-the Blank puzzle is 1 of 8 vocabulary activities and word puzzles using Greek and Latin word roots with the same grade level words.
  • Use the word list to choose the correct word in context. Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • For subject and calendar topics, refer to the Word List in the header to see the complete vocabulary word list for this topic.
  • Common Core alignment to a Fill-in-the-Blank puzzle is to the key phrase "Context".
    CCSS Alignment Strand Numbers for Specific Grades:
    Context: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy." precedes these numbers: 2.4a, 3.4a, 4.4a, 5.4a, 6.4a, 7.4a, 8.4a, 9-10.4a, 11-12.4a
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    1) Lord of the Flies Fill-in-the-Blanks --

    Please visit at this link to see another Lord of the Flies Fill-in-the-Blanks.
    A second Lord of the Flies word list of 16 vocabulary words appears below. To solve the Lord of the Flies word puzzle, put a single answer in each fill-in-the-blanks. The correct vocabulary answers are in the Lord of the Flies word list.
    When you hit "Submit", you will get back the correct answers, a sentence and percentage score from the Lord of the Flies fill-in-the-blanks word puzzle written by William Golding. If you are working on SAT and ACT test prep, this Lord of the Flies vocabulary list should help your vocabulary mastery.
    A Lord of the Flies word list includes 16 correct answers. In addition to this Lord of the Flies Fill-in-the-blanks, also features a free Interactive Word Puzzle, Word Search, Crossword and Definition Match activity.
    You have permission to make a hard copy for the Lord of the Flies fill-in-the-blanks by William Golding at home or in classes.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Lord of the Flies vocabulary list:

    Lord of the Flies Fill-in-the-Blanks --

    1)  Polly noticed that every time Donny saw a whip he would and sob in fear.
    2)  Donna anticipates her sons will for refreshing watermelon after playing outside in the heat.
    3)  Jean overheard a voice complain in shrill tones about the lack of safety precautions.
    4)  Barbara admired the colors in the feathers of the male peacock.
    5)  George was eager to his opinion since he could factually cite data to support it.
    6)  The contact lenses that Sam wears do correct his and allow him to see very clearly.
    7)  Fans were not surprised to see the champion with his mouth as well as pumping both arms after the spectacular game!
    8)  Detective Madison served undercover in a operation for several months.
    9)  Ralph does not like that the politician made suggestions because he knows few people want his advice or help.
    10)  Trevor and Mindy that they will be able to obtain two tickets to the concert next month.
    11)  Martin gaped at the sink hole that had appeared just minutes before in the road.
    12)  Hannah still could not control her hands that indicated she still suffered from the scare of the home invasion.
    13)  Molly admires the and polite manners that Ken always shows her by opening doors.
    14)  The judge sentenced the defendant to a maximum security prison for his crime.
    15)  Ginny likes the story with the where the blue engine repeats a familiar chant!
    16)  Even though Mary carefully observed his face, the expression Jason had showed no reaction to her comment.