• The Synonym & Antonym puzzle is 1 of 8 word puzzles and activities.
  • Use the Greek and Latin word root word list to select the best word choice. Email your answers to friends, family and teachers.
  • If you need more time to learn synonyms or antonyms, press the submit button to study the correct answers. Then, try the word puzzle again.
  • Common Core alignment to a Synonym & Antonym puzzle is to key phrase:
    "Synonyms & Antonyms" CCSS Alignment Strand for Specific Grades:
    Synonyms & Antonyms: "CCSS.ELA-Literacy" precedes these numbers: 2.5, 3.5+c, 4.5c, 5.5c, 6.5c, 7.5b+c, 8.5b+c, 9-10.5+5b, 11-12.5+5b
  • Get a Printout

    1) Football Synonym and Antonym Word Puzzle --

    Use the Football Synonym or Antonym Vocabulary List, for each of 12 vocabulary words below in capital letters in the left hand column. Type in the Football vocabulary in either the Synonym or Antonym box.
    When you hit Submit, you will get back the correct answers, a percentage score, a comment and a sentence.
    There are 6 FOOTBALL SYNONYMS and 6 FOOTBALL ANTONYMS answers in the Football word list
    . Each Football synonym has 2 correct answers and each Football antonym has 2 correct answers. CHOOSE BOTH words for each and put them in the box.
    In addition to this Football Synonym and Antonym word puzzle, also features an Interactive Word Puzzle activity with this same vocabulary list.
    You have permission to make a printable copy of Football synonyms or antonyms for more vocabulary study at home or in the classroom.
    Vocabulary Word List:
    Football Synonym and Antonym Vocabulary List:
    Authentic, Bogus, Challenger, Colleague, Competitor, Composed, Comrade, Delirious, Genuine, Imitation, Hysterical, Peaceful
    Synonym Antonym
    1)  OFFICIAL



    2)  FRANTIC



    3)  OPPONENT

