RSVP - Root Specific Vocabulary Puzzles
Our mission is to "make words come alive" in a dynamic, new approach to learning vocabulary featured here on the WWWeb.
Teachers and parents have asked Vocabulary Univerity® to create something that serves as a quick "lesson plan" for teaching vocabulary. We have found a good solution with what we call "RSVP-Root Specific Vocabulary Puzzles".

We introduce below a series of six Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® brand puzzles (3 for junior/middle school and 3 for highschool/college prep) that feature 24 words from two separate roots (in this instance the roots are CEPT and DICT).

There is a word bank of at least 50 different words that are all derived from the same two roots at the very bottom of this web page. It is the student's job to select the correct 12 words in his/her selected grade level that fit in the puzzle word blanks. The correct answers are also at the very bottom of this web page. ENJOY this visual, educational exercise!
We have created a Root Matrix to make it easier for everyone to navigate around these RSVP puzzles & sentences.

NOTE: For other exercises using specific roots and multiply-derived words, go to Word City #1 or #2.
Remember, the answers to all six puzzles and their word banks are at the bottom this web page.

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #1 - Junior High-Middle School:

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #2 - Junior High-Middle School:

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #3 - Junior High-Middle School:

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #1 - High School:

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #2 - High School:

Rooty*Hoot*Hoot® RSVP Puzzle #3 - High School:

Word Bank of CEPT & DICT (for both the junior high/middle school and high school) root-form words:
  • DICT (19 words): dictionary, prediction, verdict, dictate, indicate, condition, contradictory, jurisdiction, edict, addicted, maledict, dictatorship, benediction, unconditional, malediction, indication, dictation, indicator, predicament
  • CEPT (35 words): acceptable, concept, exceptional, reception, deceive, intercept, deceptive, precept, susceptible, inception, imperceptible, inconceivable, acceptance, conception, preception, conceivable, receive, misconceive, preceive, conceit, deceit, capable, captive, captor, captious, capability, emancipate, anticipate, incipient, participant, municipal, principal, recipe, recipient, participate


Please visit our new, easy to navigate pages here. We continue to create both "grade-level" sessions, "thematic" features, word lists and SAT/ACT test prep activities.
Don't forget to complete other activities and educational exercises from our six sessions. Go to and click on the menu bar "Root Word Lesson Plans.

Please try all our previous SAT*/ACT*features:
Most Important SAT* Words #1 and Most Important SAT* Words #2

There are 10 additional sets of SAT/ACT-type words at this link:
216 Most Important SAT/ACT-type Words.

  • See a list of all TOP 180 SAT* words we have put in puzzles from SAT#1 -thru- SAT#10.

    *Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.
    None of the trademark holders are affiliated with Vocabulary University or this website.

  • [Home Page] - [RSVP = 6 CEPT+DICT Puzzles] - [39 Week Lesson Plan] - [WordCity-12 Roots] - [Top SAT* words #1 & #2] - [Sitemap]

    Any questions can be directed to Jan and Carey Cook at Vocabulary University for clarification. If you are a teacher, please give us the name, city, state/country of your school. For details on other thematic content click School Thematic Content Calendar.
    We want to acknowledge that the word definitions in these puzzles are used with the permission of Random House Inc. and most come from their "Random House Webster's College Dictionary".

    Any use of the content or characters at Vocabulary University® and other features on is prohibited without the express written consent of Vocabulary University.

    Copyright © 2010 Vocabulary University®